Monday, February 10, 2014

IMATS 2014 Haul

Happy Monday my lovelies!

IMATS has come and gone, and let me just say that this year's turnout was INSANE!  I attended the Sunday show, and there was a line literally 2 blocks long to get into the Pasadena Convention Center. Next year I will be sure to purchase tickets for the 1st day because a lot of items were sold out, much to my disappointment... And probably much to my wallet's delight!  In 2.5 hours, I was able to score the following products:

Face Atelier Foundations - Set of 7 ($150)
My very sad attempt at swatching the Face Atelier Foundations

In the process of creating my own personalized Palette with the PRO Z Palette ($19), and 6 INGLOT lipsticks ($4 each)

My complete Z Palette! It was my first time "de-panning" so I ruined 2 of my CARGO Blu-Ray Powders :-( Ahh!!!!! 

INGLOT Freedom Palette - 10 pan ($60) (this was really pricey.. but I couldn't help it - it was too gorgeous to pass up!)

Bdellium Tools Brushes - I bought so many that they couldn't all fit in the photo.  12 brushes: ($98)

Of course, my ABSOLUTE favorite Brush Cleaner by Parian Spirit ($25 for the enormous bottle, $5 for the spray bottle)

Here I am, absolutely exhausted, but happy as a clam :-)

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