Monday, July 15, 2013


The past weekend has flown by and I am absolutely floored by the amount of birthday love I received from my friends, coworkers, family, and boyfriend!  Here are some pics of my birthday in a nutshell:

Everything princess-y and pink ;) Just the way I like it! 

At the Peninsula Hotel - love these flat sandals from Tash Limited!  The website says they are grey, but they look more periwinkle/lavenderish-grey in real life.  I plan to get the black pair as well - I was so surprised by how well they go with dresses - perfect, since I am limited to flats while the torn meniscus in my knee heals :( .

In the car, about to rip open my gift.

My ever-supportive boyfriend bought me this train case from Sunrise!  Can't wait to start filling it up with cosmetics for my next makeup gig - with a review of this case to follow, of course ;).

Electric blue nails for the weekend in Essie's "Bouncer, It's Me"

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